Get Involved in Our Campaigns

The Peace Pledge Union is a pacifist campaigning organisation. We have been promoting nonviolent alternatives to war and militarism since 1934.
Our members take a pledge to reject war and work against the causes of war. Find out more about joining the PPU.
As the British section of War Resisters' International, we campaign with other pacifists and anti-militarists from around the world. We also work with other groups and people whose concerns overlap with ours.
Support Our Campaigns
Whatever your experience, you can play a part in our campaigns. There are many ways to get involved, from promoting peace education to nonviolent direct action to wearing a white poppy.
Our current work falls into four main areas. Find out how to get involved via the links below.
- Peacebuilding and nonviolence - We promote practical and peaceful alternatives to war and violence, through campaigning, peace education and promoting the history of nonviolence.
- Remembrance and white poppies - We promote the white poppy as a symbol of remembrance for all victims of war of all nationalities. We think remembrance should be about peace and challenging war and militarism.
- Everyday militarism - We are challenging the ways that armed forces and military attitudes are seeping into more and more areas of everyday life, from military visits to schools to Armed Forces Day.
- Military spending and recruitment - The UK has the sixth highest military spending in the world. The armed forces target the poorest young people for recruitment, who are then denied basic rights and suffer high levels of abuse. We need to speak out.
We also work to support members and local peace campaigners in taking nonviolent action in their own lives and communities.
If you're interested in getting involved in our campaigns, please consider joining the Peace Pledge Union and becoming part of a network of pacifists across the UK. If you have any queries, please feel free to get in touch.
More Ways to Take Action
Aside from supporting our campaigns, there are many ways - both small and large - to promote peace and challenge militarism in everyday life.
- Spread the word - Talk about the need for peace to friends and family. Spread the word in your community or write to your local paper. We have a range of resources that can help open up conversations about pacifism and the need to challenge militarism.
- Organise locally - Connect with local peace campaigns in your area - or get in touch so we can help you start one! Invite a PPU speaker to your union branch, faith group, school, university or other group.
- Donate to support our work - By making a donation you help keep the PPU's campaigning and education work going. We are funded almost entirely by our members and supporters, so any donation you can give is hugely appreciated.
- Show your support with a PPU badge, poster or postcard. Wear a white poppy at Remembrance time.
- Connect online - Promote peace and connect with fellow PPU members and supporters by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
- Come to PPU events or join the PPU presence on demonstrations. Have a look on our events page.
- International - The PPU is the British section of War Resisters' International, which unites pacifists globally. You can support their work or sign up to receive CO Alerts on conscientious objectors and peace activists facing persecution around the world.