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Leave a lasting legacy for peace with a gift in your will

By remembering the Peace Pledge Union in your will, you can make a significant and lasting difference to the promotion of pacifism, and a valuable contribution to the continuation of our campaigning for a world without war.

Your legacy gift will enable us to:

  • Promote a message of peace and active nonviolence.
  • Provide educational resources on issues such as conflict resolution and the causes of war.
  • Remember all victims of war of all nationalities through the distribution of white poppies.
  • Challenge everyday militarism in our communities.
  • Provide a challenging voice in the media and public about military spending and recruitment.

The Peace Pledge Union has been promoting pacifism since 1934 and gifts in wills have been vital in helping us fund the movement for change.

You’ve put your beliefs into action through your engagement with the Peace Pledge Union. Will your legacy also be one of peace?

How to remember us in your will

Cash Gift
The gift of a fixed sum of money is also called a pecuniary gift. The value of this type of gift will go down over time as the cost of living increases.

Share of your Estate
Also known as a residuary gift, this is the remainder of your estate after you’ve provided for your friends and loved ones.

Specific Gift
The gift of a particular named item that you want to pass on, such as a painting, a piece of jewellery, or even a property.

Wording for your will

If you decide to include a gift in your will to the Peace Pledge Union, it’s important that the following wording is used.

Residuary legacy: I give all (or a ___ share of) the residue of my estate to Peace Pledge Union, PeaceWorks, 1 Peace Passage, London, N7 0BT, to be used for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.

Pecuniary legacy: I give the sum of £ ___ (words and figures) to Peace Pledge Union, PeaceWorks, 1 Peace Passage, London, N7 0BT, to be used for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.

Specific legacy: I give my ___ (describe the gift you want to leave, e.g. my book collection) to Peace Pledge Union, PeaceWorks, 1 Peace Passage, London, N7 0BT, to be used for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of their Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge

We recommend you use a will writing service or solicitor to write your will.

After taking care of your loved ones, leaving a gift in your will to the Peace Pledge Union is a way to keep putting your beliefs into action, long after your lifetime. Any gift you choose to leave, large or small, will support our work for years to come. Thank you.

Please contact us at if you would like to discuss anything in relation to legacies.