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International Conscientious Objectors' Day - Edinburgh

Come along to this rally in Edinburgh in solidarity with Conscientious Objectors in Israel, Ukraine, Russia and around the world, to mark CO Day.

Where: Meet at the corner of Castle Street/Princes Street, Edinburgh city centre

When: Wednesday 15 May, 5.30pm

Let the organisers know you're coming and share with others:

Event description from the organisers:

'May 15 is International Conscientious Objectors Day. Join us for a rally in Edinburgh in solidarity with Conscientious Objectors in Israel, Ukraine, Russia and around the world, whose human rights are threatened because they refuse to take up arms.

And to celebrate the history of conscientious objectors and their supporters who have bravely resisted military conscriptions despite the tremendous pressures they faced.

We will be joined by Protest in Harmony, and a speaker from the Campaign Against the Arms Trade who will talk about the dangers of militarism in Scotland. And we'll read out statements from Israeli Conscientious Objectors and remember Conscientious Objectors past and present who have stood up for peace in a time of militarism.

We'll then go down to the peace tree in Princes Street gardens and wave white hankies in solidarity with Conscientious Objectors past and present. Please bring a white hankie to shake, and your own images to remember particular Conscientious Objectors, and your anti-war, pro-peace posters and banners.'

May 15th, 2024 5:30 PM
Events Information
Organisation Name Peace & Justice