Wear a white poppy - Stand up for peace in troubled times
Wear a white poppy - Stand up for peace in troubled times
Statement by the Peace Pledge Union
Around the world today, we are witnessing the greatest intensity of war and violence so far this century.
The destruction of Gaza and the attack on Lebanon continue unabated, as Iran and the wider region are drawn deeper into the conflict. The war in Ukraine grinds on with no end in sight, devastating civilian life. In Sudan, the civil war has led to a humanitarian catastrophe, with tens of thousands dead and millions displaced and facing starvation.
Though the obstacles can seem insurmountable, it is vitally important that we continue standing up for peace.
By wearing a white poppy, we bear witness to the full human cost of war, both in the past and today. This act of remembrance only sharpens our resolve to oppose war and struggle for peace.
We are seeing a wave of new interest in white poppies in the run up to Remembrance Day this year, as white poppies are distributed on ceasefire demonstrations (see below), vigils and stalls, and adopted by a growing number of schools.
In the run up to Remembrance Day, please wear a white poppy to show your commitment to working towards a peaceful future.
You can buy white poppies through our online shop. You can also find them in many shops, cafes and other outlets across the UK.
If you would like to support the white poppy campaign, there are many ways to help, from distributing white poppies in your community, work place, shop, school or faith group, to attending one of the many remembrance ceremonies featuring white poppies around the UK each year. Find out more ways to help at ppu.org.uk/remembrance/support-white-poppy-campaign