Farnborough Airshow: The reality behind the "family fun"

Farnborough Airshow: The reality behind the "family fun"
Farnborough International Airshow will take place near the Hampshire town of Farnborough from 16 to 22 July 2018. Best known for the "family fun", the vicious reality of the event is barely hidden behind the superficially innocuous surface.
The displays and demonstrations of military equipment serve to glamorise warfare and are an alarming example of everyday militarism.
This is not all. The event includes - quite openly and explicitly - an arms fair.
Exhibitors at Farnborough 2018 include the top transational arms companies, such as BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.
These companies supply many armed forces, including those belonging to some of the world's most oppressive regimes.
Military delegations from over 60 countries have been invited to Farnborough by the UK government - including Saudi Arabia and UAE, despite their ongoing killing of thousands of civilians in Yemen.
The PPU is part of the Stop the Arms Fair coalition and is supporting the Campaign Against Arms Trade, Hampshire Quakers and other groups who are taking nonviolent action against Farnborough International Airshow.
Take action! What you can do:
- You can join the Bubbles Not Bombs protest at Farnborough on Saturday 21 July.
- Also, local Quakers will be holding a Meeting for Worship at 4pm on Sunday 22 July on the grass area at the junction of Albert Road & Farnborough Road (A325) near Annie’s Guest House (GU14 6TN). All welcome.
- You can take action online, using the hashtags #FIA18 (used by participants in the event), #WarStartsHere and #EverydayMilitarism.
- You can also email your MP.
- Contact us at mail@ppu.org.uk if you have questions or suggestions.