Green Party Co-Leader endorses white poppy campaign

Green Party Co-Leader endorses white poppy campaign
The Co-Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales has given his backing to this year's white poppy campaign. Jonathan Bartley says he will wear a white poppy while carrying out his party leadership duties during the run-up to Remembrance Sunday.
White poppies are worn by thousands of people every year.. They are supplied by the Peace Pledge Union (PPU), whose members include supporters of several political parties and none.
White poppies represent remembrance for all victims of war of all nationalities, a commitment to peace and a rejection of militarism.
Remembrance has taken on a particular significance this year, with Remembrance Sunday due to fall exactly 100 years to day after the end of World War One.
Jonathan explained, “I wear a white poppy to remember all people who have suffered in wars, and are still suffering in wars.”
He added, “We can honour those who have died in war by working for peace.”
Jonathan's party co-leader Sian Berry is also known to have worn white poppies regularly in the past.
Other politicians to have backed white poppies this year include Maya Evans, a Labour councillor in Hastings, who is inspired to wear a white poppy by her personal experience of Afghanistan. w
"I wear the white poppy to remember all the victims of war," she said. "Being a regular visitor to Afghanistan I have personally witnessed how violence only leads to further violence.
Maya went on to explain, "My young friends in Kabul say that their greatest wish is to live in peace and get the chance to attend school. I believe everyone has the right to be safe from harm - this is what the white poppy symbolises to me."
The Peace Pledge Union welcomed Jonathan and Maya's support for the white poppy campaign, while emphasising that the PPU is not affiliated with any political party.
The PPU, along with other groups belonging to the First World War Peace Forum, will hold an Alternative Remembrance Sunday Ceremony in London on 11 November, followed by a festival of peace and remembrance. Similar events will take place elsewhere.
White poppies can be bought online or at a number of shops, cafes and other outlets around Britain.