Welsh-language white poppies on sale for the first time

Welsh-language white poppies on sale for the first time
The Peace Pledge Union is for the first time making Welsh-language white poppies available to order online.
(Please scroll down for a Welsh-language version of this article).
The Peace Pledge Union (PPU), the pacifist group that produces white poppies, is offering white poppies with the word “Hedd” in the middle rather than “Peace”. They are sent out along with Welsh-language leaflets.
The PPU made the decision in response to requests from Welsh-speaking white poppy wearers.
PPU members in Wales say that they are proud of Wales' strong history of peace activism, at times overlapping with campaigns of active nonviolence to promote the rights of Welsh speakers.
The PPU has previously made small numbers of Welsh-language poppies available to Welsh peace groups, but this is the first time that they are selling them directly or sending out publicity material in Welsh.
White poppies have been worn in the run-up to Remembrance Day since 1933 as an alteranative to red poppies. They have three meanings:
Remembrance for all victims of war, both civilian and military, of all nationalities.
A commitment to peace.
A rejection of militarism and any attempt to celebrate war.
The PPU is this year calling for a greater focus on current wars on Remembrance Day, including the war in Yemen. They are using the slogan “Remember Yemen”, or for Welsh speakers, “Cofiwch Yemen”.
Tomos Williams-Mason, 18, a bilingual PPU activist in South-East Wales, said:
“Being able to speak your own language is a human right. I think the importance of Welsh-medium white poppies lies in the fact that human rights are not only linked to Remembrance Day, but are upheld in the work for peace.”
Pryderi Llwyd Jones, a white poppy-wearer and retired church minister in Gwynedd, said:
“Wearing both poppies is not only an opportunity to draw attention to the significance of both but also to explain the rich meaning of both ‘hedd’ and ‘peace’, historically and culturally, but also how both words bring out, in different ways, the rich meaning of ‘shalom’ for today.”
White poppies can be bought online or at a number of outlets around the UK. Welsh-language white poppies can be ordered here.
Am y tro cyntaf – Pabi Gwyn yn yr iaith Gymraeg
Mae’r mudiad heddwch Peace Pledge Union (PPU), sydd yn cynhyrchu y Pabi Gwyn wedi cynhyrchu un Cymraeg eleni sydd i’w gael ar lein.
Yn hytrach na’r gair ‘Peace’ yng nghanol y pabi y gair Cymraeg ‘Hedd’ sydd yn y pabi hwn. Y mae taflen Gymraeg gyda’r pabi.
Y mae y PPU wedi cymeryd y cam hwn mewn ymateb i geisiadau gan y rhai sydd wedi bod yn gwisgo’r Pabi Gwyn ers blynyddoedd.
Dywed aelodau o’r PPU yng Nghymru eu bod yn falch o hanes hir y dystiolaeth heddychlon yng Nghymru a hynny yn rhan o ymgyrchu di-drais tros hawliau, gan gynnwys, hawliau ieithyddol yng Nghymru.
Y mae ‘r PPU wedi cynhyrchu nifer fechan o Babi Gwyn o’r blaen mewn ymateb i geisiadau,ond dyma’r tro cyntaf iddynt eu gwerthu yn uniongyrchol a chynhyrchu taflen gyhoeddurwydd yn Gymraeg.
Mae’r Pabi Gwyn wedi eu gwisgo yn y cyfnod cyn Sul y Cofio ers 1933 fel dewis arall yn lle Pabi Coch. Mae tri rheswm i wisgo’r Pabi Gwyn
i gofio pawb a fu farw o ryfel, milwyr a sifiliaid, o pob cenedl.
ymrwymiad i heddwch.
ymwrthod â militariaeth ac unrhyw ymdrech i ddathlu rhyfel.
Mae’r PPU eleni hefyd yn galw am fwy o sylw i ryfela cyfoes ar Sul y Cofio gan gynnwys y rhyfel yn Yemen. Maent yn defnyddio’r slogan “Remember Yemen/ Cofiwch Yemen”.
Meddai Tomos Williams-Mason, 18 oed, ymgyrchydd dwy ieithog gyda’r PPU :
“Mae siarad eich iaith eich hun yn hawl ac y mae’r Pabi Gwyn yn Gymraeg, nid yn unig yn cysylltu â’r cofio,ond yn gysylltiad pwysig a’r ymgyrchu tros heddwch yn ein byd.”
Ac meddai Pryderi Llwyd Jones:
“Mae gwisgo’r ddau bapi nid yn unig yn gyfle i dynnu sylw at arwyddocad y ddau,ond yn gyfle i egluro fod cyfoeth ystyr y ddau air,’hedd’ a ‘peace’ , yn hanesyddol a diwylliannol, yn ffordd ardderchog o ddeall yn well arwyddocad y gair ‘shalom’ i’n byd cyfoes.”
Fe ellir eu prynu ar lein neu mewn nifer o leoliadau eraill. Fe ellir archebu rhai Cymraeg ar https://shop.ppu.org.uk/collections/frontpage.