Llanbedr Airfield: Write to your MP and Members of the Senedd
There are many people across Wales, and around the UK and beyond who object to the plan to develop a military training site at Llanbedr in north-west Wales.
(Please scroll down for a Welsh-language version of this page).
It will be very helpful if you can write to your MP and/or Members of the Senedd about this crucial issue.
You may wish to use the wording below, or to vary it or use your own wording altogether. You can also send them a link to the briefing produced jointly by Cymdeithas y Cymod and the Peace Pledge Union at https://www.ppu.org.uk/Llanbedr-cy (Welsh language) or https://www.ppu.org.uk/Llanbedr-en (English language).
You can find out your MP's email address here and the email addresses of Members of the Senedd here.
If you get a response, please let us know! You can email it on to us at mail@ppu.org.uk.
Dear NAME,
As one of your constituents, I urge you to support the campaign being run jointly by the Peace Pledge Union and Cymdeithas y Cymod against plans to establish a new Air Traffic Zone by Snowdonia Aerospace at Llanbedr Airfield in Gwynedd with the ultimate aim of training pilots (both RAF and from abroad) to fly into war zones. Both the UK government and Welsh government can help to stop this if they so wish, and I urge you to use your influence to prevent Wales and the UK having further blood on our hands from international conflicts.
A briefing that sets out our concerns in more detail can be read at https://www.ppu.org.uk/Llanbedr-en. I look forward to hearing your views.
Fe fyddai yn ddefnyddiol iawn os gallwch ysgrifennu at eich AS/Aelodau Senedd Cymru ynglyn â pheryglonmae cael awyr militaraidd yn Llanbedr, Harlech.
Fe allwch ddefnyddio y patrwm o lythyr (isod) neu rhywbeth tebyg. Fe allwch hefyd anfon atynt y linc i Bapur Gwybodaeth sydd wedi ei baratoi gan Gymdeithas y Cymod a Peace Pledge Union.
Fe allwch gael cyfeiriad eich AS yn https://members.parliament.uk/members/commons
neu aelodau Senedd Cymru https://busnes.senedd.cymru/mgMemberIndex.aspx.
Os gewch ateb, rhowch wybod i ni! Fe allwch anfon neges i mail@ppu.org.uk
Annwyl XXX,
Fel un o’ch etholwyr, fe hoffwn bwyso arnoch i gefnogi yr ymgyrch sydd ar droed gan Cymdeithas y Cymod ( Cymru ) a’r Peace Pledge Union (PPU) yn erbyn cynlluniau i greu Parth Hedfan ( Air Traffic Zone ) newydd gan Snowdonia Aerospace yn Maes Awyr Llanbedr, ger Harlech,Gwynedd. Y bwriad yn y pendraw yw hyfforddi peilotiaid ( o’r RAF ac o wledydd tramor ) i hedfan mewn rhyfela. Fe allai Llywodraeth Cymru a Westminster rwystro hyn, petai’r ewyllys a’r penderfyniad i wneud hynny. Gofynnaf i chwi ddefnyddio eich llais a’ch dylanwad rhag i Gymru a Phrydain gael mwy o waed ar eu dwylo oherwydd y rhyfela rhyngwladol yn ein byd.
Mae’r wybodaeth sydd ar yr atodiad yn nodi yn fwy manwl yr hyn sydd yn fy mhoeni ac fe fyddwn â diddordeb mawr clywed eich barn a’ch teimladau .
Gyda diolch,