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The PPU 90th Anniversary Winter Appeal

PPU members

The PPU 90th Anniversary Winter Appeal

We are witnessing the greatest intensity of war and violence so far this century. The destruction of Gaza continues unabated, as the conflict spirals out into the wider region, leaving thousands dead in Lebanon and threatening all-out war with Iran. The war in Ukraine grinds on with no end in sight, devastating civilian life. In Sudan, the civil war has led to a humanitarian catastrophe, with tens of thousands dead and millions displaced and facing starvation.

At times, the obstacles can seem insurmountable, particularly as nonviolent approaches to conflict are increasingly marginalised. However, it is vital we continue standing up for peace, and that we advocate for pacifism’s ability to address the urgent need for deep-rooted, systemic change. This is something the PPU has been doing for 90 years this year.

The PPU is Britain's oldest secular pacifist organisation and a leading voice in promoting pacifism and nonviolence, as well as resisting militarism and the causes of war. The PPU is determined to build on its rich 90-year legacy while looking toward the future.

There is a great deal we’re hoping to achieve in the years to come! To get a sense of our year-round campaigning, here is some of what we did in 2024:

It’s important we remain as relevant and forward-facing as ever. This is why our new strategy reaffirms our commitment to putting pacifism into practice, resisting war and the causes of war today, taking into account the current context of global conflict and a creeping domestic tide of militarism.

This work requires significant financial investment in staff and resources. To further develop our work in 2025, we urgently need to expand our staff team and enhance the means through which we publicise our pacifist perspective.

We have set an ambitious target of £10,000 for our 90th Anniversary Winter Appeal. Please help us continue to work for a more peaceful future for all.

These funds will:

  • Enable us to employ a skilled communications manager, ensuring our messaging reaches wider audiences in the most impactful ways possible.
  • Fund free resources for members to distribute at events around the country, further disseminating our pacifist messaging.
  • Allow PPU staff to develop deeper connections with PPU members and supporters across the country, through speaking at events, attending demos and conferences, running workshops, and much more.
  • Support free events designed to highlight connections between pacifist struggles and other movements for justice, demonstrating the relevance of pacifism to new audiences and enhancing the mutual strength of our movements.

Please donate generously and support the PPU’s work for peace into 2025 and beyond

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You can also donate by cheque, made payable to Peace Pledge Union and sent to 1 Peace Passage, Brecknock Road, London, N7 0BT. Thank you.