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UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has been urged to make a public offer of asylum to Russian soldiers who refuse to fight in Ukraine.
British pacifists have said that repressive measures proposed in the Queen's Speech won't stop people taking direct action.
Teachers at a union conference have been visiting the Peace Pledge Union stand to express support for campaigns against militarism in schools.
The Russian group Feminist Anti-War Resistance have called on people around the world to challenge the war in Ukraine.
People in Bedfordshire are today blockading the entrances to arms company Lockheed Martin's largest UK site.
Boris Johnson has been accused of undermining his own claim to want to settle the Ukraine crisis through patient diplomacy.
The Peace Pledge Union (PPU) has today issued the following statement with regards to the prospect of war over Ukraine.
War and militarism have continued throughout 2021, despite the Covid pandemic and the climate emergency.
Messages of support have been sent to hundreds of conscientious objectors and peace activists in prison around the world.