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Everyday Militarism News

CO Stone inscription

A highlight of this year's Proms Concerts season was a performance of the War Requiem, a large-scale work by renowned 20th Century British composer Benjamin Britten (Prom 37, Saturday 17th August).

Child handling a weapon at Armed Forces Day event

Joint press release by ForcesWatch and the Peace Pledge Union

Peace campaigners have welcomed the news that there will be no national event for Armed Forces Day this year, as no local councils have come forward to host it.

D-Day landings

On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, peace campaigners have called for remembrance of all victims of war in a spirit of reflection, rather than celebration.

troops and police on streets

British pacifists have said they will refuse to join or in any way support the military under the Tories’ plans to reintroduce national service, if the scheme is ever implemented.

Semih Sapmaz speaking on CO Day 2024

Earlier this year, when the head of the British army, General Sir Patrick Sanders, called for a “citizen army” to prepare for a ground war with Russia, military conscription was suddenly in the headlines, pushed by right-wing commentators and hawkish politicians.

CO Stone inscription

An Israeli conscientious objector, due to speak at an event in London today to mark International Conscientious Objectors' Day, has called for support and solidarity for conscientious objectors facing persecution around the world.

Troop and police officer on street

General Sir Patrick Sanders' call for a 'citizen army', raising the prospect of military conscription, reflect the increasingly aggressive militarism of the UK political establishment, as well as the broader rise of everyday militarism in the UK.

PPU protests in 2023

Spiralling military spending. Peace campaigners under attack in Russia and Ukraine. The devastating violence in Israel and Gaza. In 2023 there has been no shortage of war and militarism for peace campaigners to resist.

Britian’s leading pacifist organisation joined other peace groups and individuals to contest the ambiguously named Specialist Defence and Security Convention (SDSC) at Telford International Centre on Thursday 2nd November.

National Demonstration Ceasefire Now, London

Veterans are among those rejecting the government’s criticism of demonstrations planned for 11th November, stating that “there’s no more appropriate day to call for an armistice.” 
