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Military Spending & Recruitment News

Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defence has been accused of insulting victims after suggesting that bullying problems can be solved with diversity training.

Royal Navy vessels

The Peace Pledge Union has urged politicians not to back calls to increase Royal Navy spending following tension in the Strait of Hormuz. 

Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt has been accused of prioritising the militarist lobby in the Conservative Party over global security and economic need.

PPU conference last year

We inivite you to join us in London on Satuday 1st June for Local to Global: Solidarity for Peace. This is the annual conference of the Peace Pledge Union. 

UK soldiers in training

The Peace Pledge Union have insisted that armed forces personnel must be subject to the same laws that other people have to follow. 

Jeremy Hunt

The UK Foreign Secretary has been accused of pursuing policies that will make the world less safe after calling for a large increase in military spending after Brexit.

PPU conference 2018

Would you like to be part of determining the PPU's policies, strategy and direction? Are you a PPU member? Have you been a member for at least a year?

Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

Saudi officers are being trained at military bases in the UK, according to information published under the Freedom of Information Act.

British army recruits in training

The Peace Pledge Union (PPU) has welcomed the news that the British army is still failing to meet its recruitment targets.

PPU members demonstrating against the UK government's military support for Saudi Arabia

The UK government say they will investigate claims that UK "special forces" are operating in Yemen alongside Saudi-backed troops. 
