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10 of the 290 young women who have joined the UK military this year have already reported being raped or sexually assaulted.
An arms fair in the Hampshire town of Farnborough yesterday was greeted by demonstrations outside the event and in the town.
Boris Johnson's recent military pact with the US and Australia will be challenged by protests at an arms fair in Farnborough today.
The Welsh government has sent officials to this week's London arms fair and funded an exhibition stand by an arms industry lobby group.
British pacifists have condemned the 'defence' pact announced by the governments of the UK, US and Australia, saying it will make the world less safe.
The first day of London's DSEI arms fair yesterday was greeted by protests and disruptive nonviolence.
Arms dealers will have to pass a remembrance ceremony for victims of war and the arms trade when they arrive at the DSEI arms fair on Tuesday.
People are taking nonviolent direct action in London to impede attempts to set up one of the world's biggset arms fairs.
British pacifists have condemned the Taliban as well as the US and UK governments for the situation unfolding in Afghanistan.
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