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The speaker at an event run by Labour Friends of the Forces urged UK armed forces to "break the rules" to wage war more effectively.
Extra 'defence' spending is more than 53 times the cost of schemes for extending free school meals provision in England into the school holidays.
Hundreds of people today joined an online ceremony to remember all victims of war and to make a commitment to peace.
The number of schools ordering white poppies and related materials has risen sharply in 2020, the Peace Pledge Union has reported.
A group of veterans have been waiting for a year for a response from Johnny Mercer MP, after they criticised his rant against white poppy wearers.
Faith leaders are questioning new Covid rules that change a ban on church singing to allow God Save the Queen to be sung at Remembrance events.
Wreaths of white poppy are being laid around Britain, ahead of the online Alternative Remembrance Ceremony at noon on Sunday.
Sales of white poppies are only slightly lower than last year, despite the closure of shops and places of worship due to lockdown.
The Peace Pledge Union has encouraged MPs to throw out the Overseas Operations Bill when it faces its final vote in the Commons this evening.
In an apparent shift in position, the BBC has said that their staff may wear a remembrance poppy "of any colour" in the run-up to Remembrance Day.
The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has launched a legal challenge against the renewal of British arms sales to the Saudi regime.
The Peace Pledge Union is for the first time making Welsh-language white poppies available to order online.