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everyday militarism

UK soldiers in training

Boris Johnson has threatened to water down human rights legislation so that it will not apply to troops on military operations, even within the UK.

Veterans for Peace protesting against the opening of the DSEI arms fair

The DSEI arms fair has opened in London, as a poll reveals that such events are opposed by a majority of the British public.

Protests at DSEI last time (2017)

The Peace Pledge Union will be one of many groups joining mass protests next week ahead of the DSEI arms fair in London.

Anti-BAE placard at Pride in Surrey

The organisers of Pride in Surrey have had participants removed for objecting to BAE Systems' sponsorship of the event.

No Pride in War banners

The UK's Bisexual Convention (BiCon) has voted overwhelmingly to rule out arms industry sponsorship and military recruitment stalls. 

Gavin Williamson

Newly appointed Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is facing questions over his previous support for introducing "military schools". 

Small child with military body armour being placed on her

Shocking photographs reveal that a Lincolnshire nursery dressed pre-school children in real military body armour to mark Armed Forces Day this week.

Armed Forces Day event in Liverpool, 29 June 2019

Armed Forces Day events around the UK have again seen children presented with a glamorised image of war.

A soldier inviting a small child to handle a gun at the Armed Forces Day National Event in Llandudno, 2018

The Peace Pledge Union has warned that small children will be invited to handle real weapons at Armed Forces Day events this weekend. 

Troops marching in the streets on Armed Forces Day 2018

Wiltshire Council has admitted that they are reliant on arms companies to run the National Event for Armed Forces Day in Salisbury this weekend.


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