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The UK government has paused an integrated review of defence policy to focus on tackling the coronavirus pandemic.
The Chancellor's plan to give National Insurance relief to businesses that hire veterans has been condemned for encouraging employers to engage in unfair discrimination.
Pacifist determination to resist war was made clear as Peace Pledge Union members from around Britain held their annual general meeting last weekend.
The Peace Pledge Union has launched a new project to support people in campaigning about everyday militarism in their own communities.
Pacifists have welcomed a vote by Cambridge University Students' Union against allowing military recruitment at freshers' fairs.
The Peace Pledge Union (PPU) predicted that students at other universities will follow Cambridge's example.
The UK government has announced legislation to end so-called "vexatious" claims against armed forces personnel.
British pacifists have promised that Boris Johnson will face continuous resistance as he seeks to implement militarist policies.
General election candidates are facing questions over issues including the arms trade, nuclear weapons and militarism in schools.
The Peace Pledge Union has published five key questions for general election candidates on issues of peace and militarism.