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The Peace Pledge Union is for the first time making Welsh-language white poppies available to order online.
The Peace Pledge Union has said that Remembrance Day risks being a 'festival of forgetting' if we ignore Yemen and other current wars.
British ministers have been accused of erasing history after announcing plans for VJ Day 75 while ignoring the nuclear bombings of Japan.
The Peace Pledge Union has reiterated calls to remove a statue of Arthur Harris, known for colonial atrocities and bombing German civilians.
On Friday 15th May people around the world will pause to remember all those who have refused to bear arms and participate in war.
People with memories of World War Two are expressing fear over plans in some areas to sound air raid sirens at events to mark VE Day 75.
The PPU has said that the 75th anniversary of VE Day is an occasion for remembering victims of war and learning from the past.
The Peace Pledge Union has challenged ministers' failure to comment on the 75th anniversary of the RAF's mass killing of civilians.
Hundreds of white poppy wearers have attended ceremonies to remember all victims of war and to commit themselves to peace.
General election candidates from several parties have been attacked in parts of the media for wearing white poppies.